Our Vision: A healthy Afghan society free from poverty, violence and discrimination where person affected by disasters attain the right for lifesaving assistance and all enjoy equal opportunities to fully realize their development potential. HHO intends to be the role model national civil society organization among its type in the civil society family in Afghanistan and build upon strong civil society movement through efficient and effective program implementation, accountable to our donor’s, beneficiaries and stakeholders and remains committed to its values and operationalize our set objectives.

Our Mission: HHO mission is to provide timely, equitable and safe assistance to the most vulnerable people in disadvantaged areas, with a particular focus on children, women, Person with disability, internally displaced, returnees and people affected by emergencies to protect them against its associated risks by meeting their urgent needs and building their resilience through a durable solutions to live with dignity. HHO will achieve those by working closely with individual, communities, other Civil Society Organizations, government line departments and donor’s community by:

  • Assessment
  • Capacity development.
  • Service delivery.
  • Advocacy

Core Values: We remain guided on the following values:

  1. Responsiveness: We work in respectful cooperation with target groups to address their needs and legitimate demands with an emphasis on local ownership.
  2. Custodianship: We uphold our duty of custodianship over Earth and its resources, and the trust people place in us as a humanitarian and development practitioner to be transparent and accountable.
  3. Impartiality: While upholding the duty to be inclusive and non-discriminatory in our approach, serving the Afghan national regardless of political, ethnic, racial, lingual, and other affiliations, we are also do not take sides in conflict and we do not support specific factions or parties representing various interests in society.
  4. Equality: We promote equal opportunities and facilitate equal access to resources for all citizens, including women, girls, boys and persons with disabilities.
  5. Social Justice: Our work is founded on enabling people and institutions to fulfil the rights of the poor and vulnerable. we recognise that differences in gender, individual capabilities and identities give rise to varied needs and interests.
  6. Integrity: We are true to our mission, maintaining honesty and transparency in all of what we do and say, up-holding a spirit of openness and sharing with stakeholders, while always prepared to be held to account for our actions.
  7. Compassion – We believe the protection and well-being of every life is of paramount importance and we shall join with other humanitarian actors to act as one in responding to suffering brought on by disasters, poverty and injustice.
  8. Innovation: We constantly strive to re-define the standard of excellence in everything we do at HHO. We are open to ideas that drive innovation. Our endeavours to incorporate innovation into our work is endless.
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