Healthcare and Nutrition

HHO’s through its healthcare and nutrition program provides quality health services in underserved areas to ensure access to reproductive health, Psycho-social support for GBV survivors and legal assistance for women and children, strengthening infectious diseases outbreak preparedness and response, Trauma care services, treatment of children with SAM, MAM and PLWs, and referral and maternal and newborn healthcare.

HHO’s approaches to access quality healthcare are:

– Health workers training on subject matters.
– Awareness campaigns,
– Health camps establishment and management
– Medical services (screening, counseling, treatment and referral).
– Promoting immunization.
– Supplementary feeding.
– Advocating for hygiene and sanitation practices and conducting health education.


HHO works alongside underserved communities to facilitate access quality and inclusive education in the areas of literacy for adults, basic general education, vocational education for adults, short term workforce development training and special education.

HHO’s approaches and interventions to quality inclusive education are:

– Community-based education CBE modality.
– Capacity building of teacher and school administrators.
– Supply of quality educational material and equipment.
– Community mobilization for contribution concerning to health and safety, functionality, inclusion, efficiency through engagement of local resources and overall risks management.
– Accelerated education for children who aren’t school aged.
– Sponsorship of children who are out of school due to economic difficulties.

Agriculture and Agri-based Livelihood

Assisting communities to access Agri-based livelihood, food security, improved agricultural inputs, improved irrigation system, natural resource management and marketing for agriculture products.

HHO’s interventions to strengthen Agriculture and Agri-based livelihood.

– Training of farmers on best agricultural practices through establishment of demonstration plots, short term trainings and mentorship support.
– Providing affected farmers with improved and drought resilient improved seeds.
– Introduction of high valued crops and value addition practices for existing crops.
– Rehabilitation of irrigation system and water usage.
– Food processing training and market linkage.
– Poultry support and training to food insecure households.
– Livestock management including feeding and vaccination.

Research and Third Party Monitoring

HHO’s helps entities in research, independent assessment, Third Party Monitoring and evaluation of performance, verify compliance with the rights, standards, processes and established guidelines.

Our approach and intervention are including but are not limited to:

– Qualitative and quantities research.
– Survey, Assessments and data collection for need assessment, baseline, endline and impact evaluation.
– Third Party Monitoring and verification.
– Evaluations and reporting.
– Coordination to manage expectation and conflict of interest.

Human rights with focus on women and children.

HHO’s work alongside underserved communities to encourage human rights with a special focus on women and child rights and protection. HHO’s support women and children affected GBV, discrimination and inequality, child labor, access to education, child marriage, sexual exploitation and trafficking and access to healthcare.

HHO’s approach and interventions:

– Assessing communities, identifying problem and developing strategy to propose the best solution.
– Education and awareness about human rights and its importance.
– Establishment of service centers including child friendly spaces, women resource centers, cash assistance for survivors, psycho-social support, children sponsorship, establishment of community-based institutions and working with human rights violators.


Disaster Management.

HHO works with disaster-affected communities to protect them against potential risks by meeting their urgent needs and building their resilience through a durable solution to live with dignity and prosperity. Our interventions are including but are not limited to:
–Support the affected population with timely and safe conditional and unconditional cash transfer modality.
– Facilitates in kind response modality in sectors related to Food distribution, WASH, Shelter, Nutrition, Health and protection interventions.

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